Shopping for an agent at Target
Historical Fiction, Publishing Meg Hamand Historical Fiction, Publishing Meg Hamand

Shopping for an agent at Target

I found my literary agent in Target. And why not? I can find everything else there. In the middle of Target’s health and beauty section, I had a 20-minute conversation with my top pick of literary agents. I felt truly seen. He described my book back to me with all the words I used in my head. The craziest part was that he was trying to sell me on him.

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The Death of My WIP

The Death of My WIP

My WIP is not dead. I went through the stages of grief. I bought a stack of different nonfiction books, from different locations and different time periods, to find the next story that inspires me and makes me fall in love. I’m excited for my next adventure. My WIP is resting… waiting... frozen in time, until it’s the right time to shine.

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